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Association Internationale du Jeu de Ficelle

Comment les jeux de ficelle ajoutent une valeur de plaisir aux cours de sciences 4



Littérature citée



    Averkieva, J. & Sherman, M. (1992)
       Kwakiutl String Figures. Seattle:
       University of Washington Press.
    Darsie, R., Read, R., Sherman, M. (1996)
       "The Artic String Figure Project. Part I:
       Gordon's Alaskan Figures." Bulletin of the
       International String Figure Association 3:22-50
    Gryski C. (1983) Cat's Cradle, owl's eyes: a book of
       string games, Toront Kids Can Press.
    Gryski C. (1985) Many stars and more games.
       Toront Kids Can Press.
    Gryski C. (1987) Super string games.
       Toront Kids Can Press.
    Jayne, C.F. (1962) String Figures and How to Make
       Them. New York: Dover. (Reprint of String
       Figures, New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1906).
    Jenness, D. (1924) "Eskimo String Figures". Report
       of the Canadian Artic Expedition 1913-1918.
       Vol. 13, part B. Ottawa: F.A. Acland. Voir pour les
       illustrations et les instructions révisées.
    Probert, M. (1997) "New String Figures for the
       Performing Artist Plus Miscellaceous Patterns and
." Bulletin of the International String Figure
       Association 4:185-202,
    Sherman, M. and D'Antoni, J. eds. (1996-present)
       String Figure Magazine. Pasadena, Californie:
       ISFA Press.
    Wirt, W. (1996) "String Figures from Guyana."
       Bulletin of the International String Figure
       Association 3:63-82.
    Tudge, C. (2000) The Variety of Life. Oxford:
       Oxford University Press.


Michael Pollock Rapports de recherche Bisfa 9 Bulletins ISFA

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