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Association Internationale du Jeu de Ficelle

Honor C. Maude page 39

Un hommage à la plus importante autorité
sur les jeux de ficelle des Iles du Pacifique

Mark A. Sherman

Autres articles courts d'Honor Maude

Maude, H.C. (1968) "When it Comes to Making String
 Figures, the Nauruans are World Champs."
Pacific Island Monthly, volume 39, n°2, pages 81-84.

Maude, H.C. (1976) "Cradles of Civilisation" Royal
Anthropological Institut News,
n° 16 (October),
page 6, (article promotionnel de son livre

Maude, H.C. (1981) "Two Birds, Birds's Eggs, and a
Flock of Birds: from the Island of Uvea in the
 Loyalty  Group." Bulletin of String Figures
Association, n°. 6, pages 2-3. Toky Nippon
Ayatori Kyokai.

Maude, H.C. (1982) "Two Figures from New Caledonia"
Bulletin of String Figures Association, n°. 8,
pages 1-3. Toky Nippon Ayatori Kyokai.

Maude, H.C. (1983) "Variation of Two Gilbertese Figures"
Bulletin of String Figures Association, n°. 9,
pages 5-7. Toky Nippon Ayatori Kyokai.

Maude, H.C. (1997) "Nauruan Episode
: The Story of My
Adventure Collecting String Figures on the
 Island of Nauru"
Bulletin of the International
String Figure Association, volume 4, pages 8-11.

Maude, H.C. , and Maude, H.E. (1972) "String Figures"
In: Encyclopaedia of Papua and New Guinea,
 volume 2 (L-Z), pages 1102-1104. Edité par
Peter Ryan. Carlton: Melbourne University Press.

et revue de livres (deux parmi tant d'autres)

Firth, R. (1971) Review of : The String Figures of
Nauru Island. Man, volume 6 (new series),
pages 724-725.

Langevin-Duval, C. (1980)
Review of : String Figures
from the Tuamotus. Bulletin de la Société des
 Etudes Océaniennes, volume 17, pages 669-670.

Bulletins ISFA Bisfa 5 Hommage Honor C. Maude

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